Facebook Engineer Quits Over Company’s Mob-Like Attacks on Anyone Opposed to ‘Left-Leaning Ideology’

by Grace Carr


A Facebook engineer announced his resignation Wednesday, decrying the company culture as one that operates on groupthink, uses appeasement as a strategy, and attacks conservative views.

“I’m leaving because I’m burnt out on Facebook, our strategy, our culture, and our product,” Brian Amerige wrote in an internal message to company employees, adding that Facebook’s PR strategy is “appeasement — not morally earned pride and self-defense,” according to Business Insider.

“I care too deeply about our role in supporting free expression and intellectual diversity to even whole-heartedly attempt the product stuff anymore, and that’s how I know it’s time to go,” Amerige also wrote.

Amerige will officially leave the company Friday.

His resignation comes after he wrote another internal memo in August calling the company out for mob-like attacks on anyone who doesn’t ascribe to the political left’s agenda. “We are a political monoculture … quick to attack — often in mobs — anyone who presents a view that appears to be in opposition to left-leaning ideology,” he wrote.

The memo inspired the creation of an internal group, “FB’ers for Political Diversity,” where conservative employees discussed the companies political practices.

Some Facebook employees have allegedly refused to work with others because of their political beliefs, Business Insider reported.

Facebook’s Chief Security Officer Alex Stamos left the company in March over disagreements about how company should deal with Russian disinformation spread through the social media outlet.

Google has also had problems with its company culture, and U.S. employees have organized to propose new workplace policies, expressing concern about internal bullying. Google engineer James Damore wrote  an internal post in July 2017 criticizing the company’s diversity efforts and calling it an “ideological echo chamber.” Google fired Damore in January 2018, after which Damore sued the company for discrimination.

Facebook did not respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

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Grace Carr is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Grace on Twitter.














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